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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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HBCUs with high graduation rates - which ones are they?

Hey guys! Juggling academics and extracurriculars is already tough - I want to make sure I pick an HBCU where I can thrive and, well, graduate on time. Does anyone know which HBCUs have notably high graduation rates? I'm interested in schools that provide strong support systems for their students. Any tips or stats would be highly appreciated!

a year ago

Absolutely, it's smart to look at graduation rates as part of your college decision process. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) often have robust support systems, which contribute to their graduation rates. One HBCU known for high graduation rates is Spelman College, which has a strong reputation for supporting its students academically and emotionally. Howard University is also notable in this regard, often cited for its comprehensive academic programs and alumni networks. Morehouse College prides itself on fostering a tight-knit community and offers excellent mentorship programs, which helps retain students. Also, Xavier University of Louisiana is known especially for its success in the sciences and pre-medical support systems.

Additionally, while you’re looking at graduation rates, consider visiting campuses if possible and speaking with current students or alumni. Inquire about initiatives like tutoring services, mentorship programs, and career counseling which can greatly augment academic success. Keep in mind that the educational vibe, campus culture, and the resources available to help students succeed can also influence educational outcomes just as much as statistical data. Lastly, check out each school's website for their Office of Institutional Research or reach out to their admissions team directly for the most accurate and up-to-date graduation statistics. Best of luck with your college search!

a year ago

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