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What are the best HBCUs for Health Science majors?

I'm all about helping people and have my heart set on a career in healthcare. I'd love to attend an HBCU that offers excellent Health Science majors. Do any of you know which HBCUs I should be looking at? I'm hoping to find a program with solid pre-med advising, internship opportunities, and a strong record of grad school placements.

5 months ago

You're making a commendable decision by focusing on HBCUs that offer strong Health Science programs! One institution that stands out is Howard University, known for its comprehensive Health Science programs and its College of Medicine. Its pre-med advising is highly regarded, and they have numerous partnerships with healthcare organizations for intern programs.

Similarly, Spelman College, although it's a women's college, has an excellent track record of preparing students for medical school with robust support services and opportunities for research. Another noteworthy option is Xavier University of Louisiana, which is nationally recognized for placing a significant number of African-American students in medical schools across the U.S.

I recommend you look at these schools' specific Health Science curricula, the faculty credentials, and student reviews to get a better sense of their offerings. Exploring each school's career services and alumni network can also give you insight into their grad school placements and relationships with healthcare institutions for internships.

5 months ago

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