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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Planning to pursue academic interests at college, how should I explain this in my app?

Okay, so colleges want to know how we plan to pursue our interests at their school, right? How detailed should I be when explaining my academic plans in my application? Should I name specific courses or clubs, or just stick to a broader outline of my interests?

a year ago

Hello! It's exciting to hear that you're thinking about how to share your academic passions on your college application. I'd recommend a balanced approach. It’s good to outline your general academic interests to convey the breadth of your enthusiasm, but you should certainly dive into some specifics. This shows admissions committees that you've done your research and are genuinely interested in what their institution has to offer. For instance, if you're interested in environmental science, mention programs like a specific research initiative or an environmental club that aligns with your interests. Maybe there's a particular professor whose work intrigues you, or the college has a unique course that isn't widely available elsewhere – these are great to mention.

However, ensure you also connect these specifics back to your overall goal and emphasize how they'll help you contribute to the college community and your future. It demonstrates foresight and a strategic approach to your education, which colleges appreciate. Remember, specificity shows you've thoroughly researched the college and can envision yourself thriving there — a huge plus on your application!

a year ago

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