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What's EBRW on the SAT and how should I prep for it?

Hey folks, I'm a bit confused about the EBRW section on the SAT. What does it stand for, and what exactly does it test? Does anyone have tips on how best to prepare for this section, especially if English isn't my first language? I've been doing some practice tests, and this section is giving me a tough time.

a year ago

The EBRW on the SAT stands for 'Evidence-Based Reading and Writing.' This section is essentially made up of two components: Reading and Writing & Language. The Reading part tests your ability to understand and analyze passages from a variety of genres (literature, historical documents, social sciences, and sciences). The Writing & Language component evaluates your grasp of English grammar and your ability to improve the quality of writing in terms of sentence structure, punctuation, and organization.

As for preparation, consistency is key, especially if English isn't your first language. A useful approach is to read widely and critically. This means not just reading the material, but actively engaging with it—looking up words you don't know, summarizing passages in your own words, and asking questions about the text. For the Writing & Language part, studying English grammar rules can be incredibly helpful.

There are many online resources, as well as prep books, that offer comprehensive reviews of SAT grammar and usage. Practice tests are great, but also try to get feedback on why certain answers are correct or incorrect; understanding your mistakes is crucial to improving. And remember, taking the time to read the explanations for every question, even the ones you get right, can reinforce concepts and strategies for test day.

a year ago

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