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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What factors into 'course rigor' when admissions officers review our transcripts?

Constantly hear that 'course rigor' is a significant factor in college admissions. How exactly do colleges, especially top-tier ones, evaluate this in our transcripts? Is it just the number of AP/IBs, or do they consider the progression from year to year?

a year ago

Course rigor refers to the challenge level of the classes you've taken throughout high school. Admissions officers at top colleges will look at whether you've taken advantage of the most challenging courses available at your school. Yes, the number of AP/IB courses you've taken is considered, but that's not the sole metric.

They will also look at the progression of your coursework from freshman to senior year to see if you've consistently challenged yourself or if you've sought out progressively more difficult classes. Additionally, context matters a lot. For example, if your school offers a limited number of AP classes, admissions officers will consider the rigor of your courses within the context of what's available to you.

Beyond the number and type of advanced courses, they will also consider the grades you’ve earned in these courses; excelling in the most demanding courses demonstrates your readiness for college-level work. In essence, they’re asking whether you’ve pushed yourself academically and how you’ve performed when doing so.

a year ago

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