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Are there colleges with a more open curriculum for students?

I absolutely love the idea of designing my own coursework. Are there colleges out there with an open curriculum that don't require you to take a ton of gen ed classes? How does that work, and what are some pros and cons you've heard about or experienced?

a year ago

Absolutely, there are several institutions known for their open or flexible curriculum, which allows students to shape their education according to their interests. Some well-known examples include Brown University, Amherst College, and Hamilton College. At these schools, students often aren't bound to a rigid set of general education requirements, meaning they can take classes across various disciplines or focus more intensely on their main areas of interest.

The advantages of an open curriculum include the ability to explore a wide range of subjects and the opportunity to take responsibility for one's own learning path. On the other hand, some potential drawbacks include the overwhelming nature of too many choices for some students, and the possibility of missing out on a well-rounded education if one focuses too narrowly on specific subjects.

For example, a student at Brown might decide to dive deeply into computer science without taking any literature courses. This freedom can be liberating, but it requires discipline. Students must ensure they aren't inadvertently shortchanging themselves by overlooking subjects that could turn out to be important or of interest later. It would also be wise for a student to consider future goals, like graduate school requirements, which might necessitate a broader undergraduate course selection.

Ultimately, the key will be to know yourself: your learning style, your academic interests, and your capacity for self-guided education. An open curriculum can be a fantastic opportunity if you're prepared to navigate it thoughtfully.

a year ago

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