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What summer youth programs do HBCUs offer for high school students?

Hi everyone, I'm currently in my junior year and super interested in learning more about the history and contributions of HBCUs. I heard that they offer summer youth programs that can give you a head start in college life and offer a rich cultural experience. Does anyone have info on the specific types of programs available and whether they include research opportunities or college-level coursework? I'm really eager to explore my options here. Thanks!

a year ago

It's wonderful to see your interest in HBCUs and their summer programs! Many HBCUs offer a variety of summer youth initiatives that provide a fantastic glimpse into college life as well as cultural enrichment. For example, Howard University has the Pre-College Summer Enrichment Program that includes college-level coursework and workshops. Similarly, Spelman College offers a Pre-College Program that's aimed at high school girls with academic enrichment and leadership development opportunities.

These programs often blend classroom learning with hands-on experiences and can include research opportunities, particularly in science and engineering fields. Morehouse College, for instance, has a STEM summer program that might align with your research interests. I recommend visiting the websites of the HBCUs you're interested in and looking for their pre-college or summer programs page to get detailed information on the specific offerings and application requirements.

Keep in mind that deadlines for these programs can be as early as spring, so it's wise to start researching and preparing your applications soon. Best of luck in this exciting endeavor!

a year ago

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