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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What should I know about HBCU corporate partnerships when choosing a college?

I’ve been doing some research on colleges and noticed that some HBCUs have corporate partnerships. Does anyone know how these partnerships might affect undergraduate experiences and job prospects after graduation? Would love some insight into this before finalizing my college list.

a year ago

HBCU corporate partnerships can significantly enrich the undergraduate experience and broaden job prospects upon graduation. For example, students at HBCUs with strong ties to industry giants may have access to internships, co-op programs, or mentorship opportunities that provide invaluable hands-on experience and networking connections. These partnerships often aim to diversify the workforce and give students from underrepresented groups greater visibility in the corporate world.

When considering an HBCU, research the specific companies involved and the depth of their engagement. Look for scholarships, internships, or curriculum contributions that indicate a meaningful partnership. For instance, a tech company might offer summer internships to computer science majors, or a financial firm might fund a trading floor on campus for business students. These initiatives suggest that the HBCU is well-regarded by employers and that its students are being prepared with the skills that are in high demand. Ultimately, these partnerships can lead to direct recruitment opportunities and a smoother transition into the workforce after graduation.

a year ago

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