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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does an A- grade substantially affect my GPA for college admissions?

Currently sweating over the details here, does getting an A- instead of an A bring down my GPA a lot? How do colleges view this slight difference in grades when they’re reviewing applications?

a year ago

An A- might slightly lower your GPA compared to a straight A, but the impact really depends on your school's grading system. If your school uses a 4.0 scale, where an A- translates to a 3.7, then yes, it can affect your cumulative GPA. However, in the grand scheme, admissions officers are looking at your transcript for the overall rigor of your courses and your consistent performance. A single A- is unlikely to be a deal-breaker, especially if it's in a challenging course. Colleges understand that not everyone will have a perfect GPA and that an A- is still an indicator of high achievement. Focus on maintaining strong grades overall but don't sweat one A- too much.

a year ago

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