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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can we talk about HBCUs with strong STEM programs?

Hi y'all, I'm in the process of finalizing my college list and I'm very interested in STEM fields. I want to support and be a part of the HBCU legacy but also ensure I'm getting a robust education in STEM. Which HBCUs have strong programs in science, technology, engineering, or math? Bonus points if you can tell me about how engaged they are with research or partnerships with tech companies.

a year ago

Certainly! HBCUs such as Howard University and Spelman College have a reputation for strong STEM programs. For example, Howard has a number of STEM-focused research initiatives and partnerships with institutions like NASA and Google, which can provide great opportunities for hands-on experience and internships.

Moreover, at Spelman, which is known for its support of women in STEM, students not only receive rigorous academic training but also have access to a range of research opportunities. It's essential to dig into each school's specific partnerships and research programs, as they'll give you a good sense of how you can engage with STEM beyond the classroom. Visiting campuses, if possible, and reaching out to current students can also give you deeper insights into the level of engagement you can expect.

a year ago

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