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FAFSA strategy for comparing more than 10 schools?

So I'm working on my FAFSA and I want to apply to more than 10 schools. What's the best approach to listing them? I hear FAFSA is first come first serve, should I be worried about the order I list?

a year ago

Understood, this is a common concern for many students. With the FAFSA, you can initially list up to 10 schools where you want your financial information sent. If you're applying to more than 10 schools, once you've submitted your FAFSA for the first 10, you can log in again after it has processed (usually after about 3 days) to add more schools. You'll need to remove some schools to make room for the new ones, but don't worry; the schools you remove will still have received your information.

As for the ordering, the federal government has stated that the order of the schools listed does not matter and that the FAFSA is not first come first serve for most aid, although some colleges might have limited funds for certain types of financial aid, so it's always best to submit your FAFSA as soon as possible after it becomes available on October 1st.

a year ago

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