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How do AP Lit FRQ scores impact admissions?

So, I'm a junior, and I just took the AP Lit exam - feeling stressed! How important are the FRQ scores from the AP Lit for college admissions? Do they care about the nitty-gritty, or is it more about the overall AP score?

a year ago

First of all, take a deep breath and don't stress too much about your AP Lit FRQ scores in the context of admissions. Admissions committees are looking at your overall AP score more than the individual section scores. What's really valuable is that you've challenged yourself with a rigorous course and that you've done well in it. The score on your AP exam can be viewed as a bonus, indicating that you've not only succeeded in a challenging class but that you also performed well on a standardized measure of what you've learned.

If your overall AP score is good, it's a positive data point for your application! While it's true that your AP courses and grades carry more weight than your exam scores, a strong AP exam score can still reflect well on your academic abilities. Just remember, colleges understand that not every exam goes perfectly. They are more interested in your consistent performance over the course of the semester. So focus on your coursework and keep up the good work there!

a year ago

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