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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Feeling overwhelmed by the Duke supplemental essays, any advice?

Hey everyone, I've started drafting my supplements for Duke and it's honestly a bit overwhelming. How did you guys approach the prompts? Were you super formal or did you let your personality shine through? Any tips for making sure I hit what they're looking for without sounding like every other applicant?

a year ago

I completely understand where you're coming from, and many of my students have felt the same way when starting their essays for Duke. The key is to balance showcasing your personality while also being thoughtful and reflective in your responses. You should certainly let your personality shine through! Duke's admissions team is looking to understand who you are beyond your grades and test scores. They want to see what kind of classmate and community member you might be on their campus.

Here's a strategy I recommend: Start by breaking down each prompt and jotting down a few key experiences that come to mind. Then, choose the one that feels most authentic to you and that will help you stand out. Remember, specificity is your friend here. It's better to go in-depth on one compelling story or idea rather than trying to cover too much ground.

For example, one of my students wrote about their experience organizing a community recycling program, focusing on a specific moment when they had to advocate for their project to the city council. It wasn't just about environmentalism—through the story, they highlighted their leadership skills, persistence, and ability both to listen and to engage with diverse opinions, which helped illustrate their potential contribution to Duke’s community.

Lastly, while it's okay to be less formal, you should still maintain a level of professionalism. Proofread rigorously for spelling and grammar, and make sure your essays clearly answer the prompts. Good luck—you've got this!

a year ago

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