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Most Expensive High School Football Program?

Big football fan, always been, always will be. Just curious - which high school football program is considered the most expensive? Is it due to staff salaries, player gear, or what contributes to the cost?

4 months ago

Determining the exact expenses of high school football programs can be tricky as it varies widely and depends on several factors, but it's generally accepted that some of the most expensive high school football programs are found in Texas - the heartland of high school football.

In terms of cost contributors, there's a lot to account for. First, the coaching staff salaries; a top-tier head coach can rack up quite a sum annually. There's also the cost of maintaining and upgrading the football facilities, which could include a high-tech stadium, practice facilities, weight rooms, and locker rooms. Additionally, the cost of player gear (uniforms, helmets, pads, and other protective equipment), travel expenses for away games, as well as the cost of athletic training staff should also be considered.

Perhaps one of the best examples of an expensive high school football program is at Allen High School in Allen, TX. Their football stadium, known as the Eagle Stadium, cost a whopping $82 million to construct and seats around 18,000 people! Now, it's important to note that this is an outlier and most high school programs will not spend near that much, but it's a good representation of how costs can escalate in premiere high school football programs.

While these costs might seem high, it's worth remembering that these elite football programs often generate significant revenue from ticket sales, concessions, and in some cases, broadcast rights. They also get significant community support in the form of booster clubs and other fundraising organizations. Even then, this is not the norm for many high schools nationwide whose football budgets might pale compared to the big players.

4 months ago

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