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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does community college have an open admissions policy?

Hey everyone, I'm considering applying to a community college as a safe option. I've heard they might accept pretty much anyone who applies. Can someone tell me if community colleges actually have an open admissions policy, or are there still specific requirements I have to meet?

9 months ago

Absolutely, I can clarify that for you. The majority of community colleges do indeed have an open admission policy, which means they're committed to accepting all students with a high school diploma or equivalent, like a GED. However, there are some details you'll still want to pay attention to.

Each community college might have specific placement tests you need to take for courses like math and English, which helps them put you in the right level class. Additionally, some popular programs, like nursing or other health sciences, might have limited seats and additional requirements to determine who gets in. If a program is competitive, having a good GPA and perhaps some related experience might be necessary.

I recommend checking the specific community college's website or giving their admissions office a call to get the most accurate information for your situation. Don't hesitate to ask about any support resources they offer to help you with the application process, too. Community colleges are often very eager to assist prospective students!

9 months ago

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