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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Are there any women's colleges among HBCUs?

I'm super interested in attending a single-sex institution and I value the HBCU experience - does anybody know if there are any all-women HBCUs, particularly in Georgia? If so, what are they like? Would love some firsthand accounts if any of you have visited or attended one!

a year ago

Hey there! I'm glad to hear you're considering such a unique college experience. Yes, indeed there is an all-women's HBCU, and it happens to be in Georgia! Spelman College, located in Atlanta, is a prestigious, private, liberal arts women's college that is also an HBCU. They offer a rich educational experience with a strong emphasis on empowering women of African descent. My friend's daughter attended Spelman and she always spoke highly of the supportive community and the emphasis on leadership and service. Visiting the campus, you could really feel the sense of pride and history. If you have the opportunity, I definitely recommend visiting Spelman to get a feel for the campus culture. It could very well be the kind of environment you're looking for!

a year ago

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