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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do HBCU basketball programs compare to other colleges?

Really into basketball and wondering if going to an HBCU would affect my chances of playing at a competitive level. Does anyone know how the HBCU basketball scene stacks up against programs at other schools? Looking for some insight or personal experiences from current students or alumni.

a year ago

HBCUs can offer a strong sense of community and pride, which is a remarkable environment to be part of. On the competitiveness side, while HBCUs might not consistently rank as high as some of the Division I powerhouses, they play in NCAA Division I leagues and matches can be quite competitive.

Also, competitiveness isn't the only measure; exposure, coaching quality, and team dynamics are also vital. To get a current perspective, you may want to reach out to HBCU coaches to discuss their programs and how they see their players advancing in their athletic and academic careers. College sports forums and social media might also connect you with current student-athletes who can share their firsthand experiences. Best of luck with your decision!

a year ago

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