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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Necessities for Harvard academic preparation?

Hello! I’m currently a junior and Harvard is my dream school. I’m trying to figure out what I need to focus on academically to prepare myself. What courses, extracurriculars, or other academic experiences did current students engage in before applying to Harvard? Any specific tips for standing out in the application process would also be super helpful!

a year ago

I understand your eagerness to prepare academically for a school like Harvard! Historically, successful applicants often take a challenging course load, which means enrolling in Honors, AP, or IB courses if your high school offers them, especially in subjects related to your academic interests or intended major. It’s essential to maintain a high GPA while also pushing yourself academically. Furthermore, having a few extracurriculars related to your intended field of study can showcase your passion and spike.

For instance, if you're interested in science, participating in science fairs or conducting research would be beneficial. Remember, it's more impressive to have deeper involvement in a few activities than to spread yourself thin over many. Finally, one tip for standing out is to find a niche or a unique angle in your extracurriculars that aligns with Harvard’s values, such as leadership, innovation, or public service. For example, rather than just being a member of a community service club, you could lead a significant service project or start your own initiative. This approach shows Harvard that you're not only prepared academically but also have the drive to make an impact, which is what they look for in their students.

a year ago

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