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Question about typical college meals

As a junior, I'm wondering what I'll be eating a lot in college. Any ideas what the most common food or dish is in colleges? Just want to get an idea on what to expect.

5 months ago

Hello! On a usual college meal plan, you can expect a wide variety of food options, so it's hard to say there's one "common" dish, but some staples tend to consistently show up in many university cafeterias. These typically include pizza, pasta, burgers, fries, and sandwiches which are popular due to quick serving times and broad appeal. Salads and other healthier options like grilled chicken, fish, or even vegan/vegetarian dishes are often available as well. Many colleges are also adding sushi stations, smoothie bars, and global cuisine to their menus.

Breakfast options usually consist of cereal, fruit, yogurt, eggs, pastries, and sometimes pancakes, French toast, or bacon. For dessert, many cafeterias serve a variety of cookies, brownies, and ice cream.

The variety really depends on the university and the size of its dining facilities. Larger universities may have multiple dining halls, each offering different types of cuisine.

That being said, the quality and diversity of food can vastly differ from one college to another. Additionally, remember that you're not limited to on-campus dining halls. It's also common for students to eat at local restaurants, cook in their dorms, or order takeout. Be sure to check your prospective colleges' dining services to get a more accurate gauge of what food will be served on campus. Good luck!

5 months ago

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