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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Anyone have tips for the Common App activity section?

Feeling a little overwhelmed with the Common App's activity section. How detailed should I be? If you’ve been through the process, could you share examples or tips on how to make each activity description count?

9 months ago

I know that the activities section can seem daunting, but it's a wonderful space to showcase your dedication and what you care about. The key is to be concise but impactful. You have 150 characters for the title and position and 150 characters for the description. Use active verbs to describe your role and focus on your achievements and impact.

For example, instead of saying 'I was a member of the school newspaper,' you might say, 'Lead reporter for school newspaper, spearheaded investigative journalism feature that increased readership by 25%.' Also, prioritize quality over quantity. You don't have to use all ten slots if a few activities capture your most significant commitments and achievements. Remember, admission officers can discern the authenticity and depth of your involvement, so choose the activities that mean the most to you and where you've had a notable contribution. Good luck!

9 months ago

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