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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which HBCU engineering programs are known to be the best?

Hello! As someone who’s interested in engineering, I’m looking to find out which HBCU engineering programs have the best rankings or reputations? I’m trying to identify a college where I can get the best engineering education while also being part of an HBCU community.

9 months ago

Hi there! It's wonderful to hear about your interest in pursuing engineering within an HBCU community. When you're looking at HBCU engineering programs, North Carolina A&T State University is renowned for its College of Engineering, which offers a variety of engineering disciplines and has a strong reputation for research and innovation.

Additionally, Howard University's College of Engineering, Architecture, and Computer Sciences also consistently ranks highly and has produced many influential professionals in the field. Another program worth considering is the dual degree engineering program offered by Morehouse College and Prairie View A&M University, where you can benefit from a liberal arts education at an HBCU, coupled with engineering studies at a larger institution with robust resources.

As you evaluate these programs, consider the specific area of engineering you're interested in, as well as opportunities for practical experience, research, and internships. Campus visits and talking with current students and alumni might also give you valuable insights. Best of luck in finding the right program for you!

9 months ago

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