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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Places to do meaningful community service near me?

Looking for community service opportunities that would be meaningful and possibly relate to my interests in environmental science. Any advice on what kinds of places are usually in need of volunteers or how to find those opportunities in my area?

9 months ago

I'm glad to see you're seeking out community service opportunities that align with your interests in environmental science! Typically, local nature reserves, parks, community gardens, and environmental advocacy groups could benefit from enthusiastic volunteers like you. I'd recommend reaching out to local environmental organizations such as The Nature Conservancy or the Sierra Club's local chapters to see if they have any volunteer programs.

Additionally, you can look into governmental departments that oversee parks and recreation in your city or county as they often have volunteer opportunities. Another great way to find opportunities is to check with local schools or community colleges that may have sustainability projects in need of help. Lastly, platforms like VolunteerMatch can be a helpful resource to find local opportunities by searching with specific interests in mind. Volunteering in an area that you are passionate about not only benefits you with hands-on experience but also deeply impacts the communities and environments you are helping. Keep up the great initiative!

9 months ago

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