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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are some unique extracurricular activities?

I've been looking for extracurricular interests that aren't super common but still intriguing to colleges. Any suggestions for activities that could make my application stand out?

9 months ago

Hello! It's wonderful that you're seeking to distinguish your application with unique extracurricular activities. To stand out, consider activities where you can take initiative or have a substantial impact. For instance, you could start a community service project that addresses a local need, such as organizing a book drive for underfunded schools or creating a tutoring program for students in your community.

Another idea is to combine your interests in an interdisciplinary way. If you enjoy both technology and art, you might explore digital art or create a website showcasing local artists' work. Delving into research can be particularly distinctive too, especially if you're able to work on a project at a local university or develop your own independent study under the guidance of a mentor.

Activities like these not only show your passion and dedication but also your ability to think creatively and contribute meaningfully to something you care about. Colleges appreciate seeing applicants who pursue their interests with depth and thoughtfulness. Good luck with your extracurricular exploration!

9 months ago

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