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Which HBCUs have impressive programs for communication majors?

So I’m kind of swaying towards majoring in communication, and I'd love to study at an HBCU. Does anyone know which HBCUs have strong communication departments? I’m really in search of programs that offer things like student-run media or hands-on practicum experiences. Any advice or experiences would be much-appreciated!

a year ago

Howard University, without a doubt, stands out when it comes to communication programs among HBCUs. It's home to the Cathy Hughes School of Communications where you'll find a robust journalism program, radio, television, and film studies, along with strategic, legal and ethical communications. One compelling aspect of their program is the student-run radio station, WHBC, and opportunities for work at their television station, WHUT-TV, the only HBCU-owned public television station in the United States.

Hampton University is another remarkable institution to consider. Their Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communications is known for practical student experiences and quality teaching. They offer the Hampton University Student Media Center, where students engage in multiple forms of media production.

I would also recommend checking out Florida A&M University (FAMU) which houses a notable School of Journalism & Graphic Communication. FAMU-TV 20, a student-run television news broadcast, and the award-winning student newspaper, The Famuan, provide practical experiences akin to what you're seeking.

a year ago

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