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Is joining an HBCU majorette team beneficial for college apps?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior and I've been part of my high school's dance team for a few years now. I'm totally into the whole HBCU majorette scene and was wondering how much would being on a majorette team help my college app? Do HBCUs (or other colleges, for that matter) look favorably on this kind of involvement? Also, are there any specific requirements to be aware of? I'd appreciate any insights, especially from anyone who's been part of a team!

a year ago

Your dedication to dance and interest in joining an HBCU majorette team can certainly be a positive element on your college applications. Participation in the arts, including dance, demonstrates your commitment to an extracurricular activity and your ability to work collaboratively with a team.

Specifically for HBCUs, which have a rich tradition of majorette teams, your genuine interest could resonate well with the admissions committee. When it comes to requirements, colleges typically look for sustained commitment and leadership in extracurricular activities, so make sure to highlight your years of involvement and any leadership roles you've held on your dance team.

Moreover, if there are ways you've connected your dance experience with community service or used your skills to contribute to your school or local community, those are valuable points to mention. Not only does this show your passion, but it also illustrates qualities like leadership and commitment, which are highly regarded by admissions officers.

Remember to reflect on how being part of a dance team has shaped you personally and possibly inspired your future goals, and convey that narrative in your application. Best of luck in your journey, and keep dancing!

a year ago

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