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Expanding my vocabulary for college essays—any tips?

I've been told that my writing tends to be too simple and that I should use more sophisticated vocabulary in my essays. Does anyone have strategies or resources that helped them learn and effectively incorporate new words without it sounding forced?

a year ago

Improving your vocabulary is a fantastic way to enhance your essays. However, it's important to ensure that any advanced vocabulary naturally fits within the context of your writing. A useful strategy is to read extensively—novels, academic journals, reputable magazines, and essays. Note down unfamiliar words, but also observe how they're used in sentences.

Keeping a vocabulary journal can be incredibly helpful. As you write, try to incorporate these new words in your sentences, but always check a dictionary or thesaurus if you are unsure about the precise meaning or connotations. It's also helpful to use flashcards or vocabulary apps that employ spaced repetition to really cement your new vocabulary.

Another tip is to avoid trying to add sophisticated vocabulary into every sentence. A well-placed advanced word can make an impact, but overuse can make your essay feel unnatural and difficult to read. Be selective and ensure that the 'sophisticated' words you use improve the clarity and effectiveness of your message rather than detract from it.

Remember, the best essays are not just showcases for vocabulary but are reflective of clear, concise, and genuine expression. So, while it's great to elevate your language, never compromise your unique voice and the readability of your essay. Good luck with your writing endeavors!

a year ago

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