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Is a Geoscience major a viable option for someone interested in environmental sustainability?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior starting to think about what I might want to major in, and I'm really into environmental issues. I've been looking at different science programs, and I’m considering a major in Geoscience. Does anyone know if Geoscience is a good path for someone who wants to focus on sustainability and the environment? Also, any tips on what colleges have strong programs for this major? Thanks!

a year ago

Absolutely, a Geoscience major can be an excellent pathway for someone interested in environmental sustainability. Geoscience encompasses a broad array of studies that includes the Earth's physical processes, its history, and how its resources can be managed sustainably. This discipline often covers topics such as climate change, resource management, and environmental impacts, which are central to sustainability efforts.

When looking for colleges with strong Geoscience programs, consider schools that offer research opportunities, field work, and a focus on sustainability. For example, the Colorado School of Mines and Stanford University are well regarded for their Geoscience and Earth Sciences programs, respectively. Additionally, smaller liberal arts colleges like Middlebury College have a strong focus on environmentalism and may offer personalized attention and innovative sustainability efforts.

Be sure to explore each school's course catalog to understand the specific focus of their Geoscience program to ensure it aligns with your interests in sustainability. It's also wise to reach out to admission offices or department heads for more detailed information or to inquire about opportunities for undergraduates to get involved in research or fieldwork in sustainability within the Geoscience department.

a year ago

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