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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can I apply to multiple schools Early Decision?

So, I've heard mixed things about Early Decision applications and I want to make sure I've got it right. Am I allowed to apply to more than one school ED? Also, I heard the dates for 2023 might be different. Does anyone have the official Early Decision dates for this admission cycle?

9 months ago

When it comes to Early Decision (ED) applications, it's essential to understand that they are binding agreements. That means if you're accepted to a school via an ED application, you must attend that school, and you'll need to withdraw any other college applications. Due to this binding nature, you cannot apply to more than one school ED. If you’re considering the ED route, be certain that the school is your top choice, and that you have reviewed their financial aid policies if cost is a concern, as you'll be committing to enroll without the opportunity to compare financial aid offers.

As for the official dates for the 2023 admission cycle, these will vary by college. However, most ED deadlines usually fall in early November. You'll want to check each college's admission website for the most current and accurate dates, as they can update their deadlines or make changes from year to year. Remember to prepare your application materials well in advance of these deadlines to ensure a smooth submission process.

9 months ago

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