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Considering majoring in economics, but what jobs can I get and what salary can I expect?

I'm torn between choosing a major, and I'm leaning towards economics because I enjoy the subject. I'm just not sure what kind of jobs are available for an econ degree holder, nor do I have any idea about the salary range to expect. Can someone who's been through this or knows about this share some insights? It's making me a little stressed because I want to make sure my college education leads to a stable career.

a year ago

Absolutely, an economics degree opens a variety of doors, from private sector roles like financial analyst, consultant, and market researcher, to public sector jobs as economists or policy analysts. The skills you learn—analytical thinking, data interpretation, and understanding economic models— are highly transferable. Career prospects vary widely, but generally, you can find good stability and upward mobility in economics-related careers.

As for salary, it really depends on your role and location. For example, financial analysts start on average around $60,000 annually, but this can go up significantly with experience and additional qualifications like an MBA. Economists can earn a median of $108,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2021), but again, it depends on their specific role and the sector they work in.

Remember, internships and networking while in school can greatly enhance your job prospects and salary potential once you graduate. It's smart to think ahead, so maybe consider reaching out to your school's career services for more personalized insights based on recent graduates' experiences!

a year ago

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