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Need help with picking a creative argumentative essay topic—any suggestions?

Hey everyone! I've got an upcoming assignment to write an argumentative essay and I want to choose a really unique and creative topic that could stand out. Does anyone have any suggestions or a list of topics that could give me that edge? I'm looking for something that can show off my critical thinking skills and maybe even something topical or controversial.

a year ago

Absolutely, deciding on a compelling argumentative essay topic is a great way to shine!

For a unique angle, consider discussing the ethical implications of artificial intelligence in decision-making roles. It's current, thought-provoking, and opens a plethora of subtopics like job displacement, privacy concerns, and the definition of creativity. Alternatively, the shift to remote work post-pandemic and its long-term impacts on urban planning and community structure could provide a contemporary and engaging subject.

Both topics would allow you to explore and critique current trends, showcase your ability to anticipate future developments, and demonstrate cogent argumentation skills. Remember, whatever topic you choose, ensure it's one you're passionate about; your engagement with the subject will surely come through in your writing. Good luck!

a year ago

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