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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How important is the HBCU marching band experience?

Guys, I'm totally into music and performance and I've heard that HBCU marching bands are something else. Can anyone share how being in an HBCU marching band has influenced their college experience? Does it really add that much to campus life? Trying to figure out if I should consider this in my college decision process.

a year ago

Absolutely, the HBCU marching band experience can be a huge part of campus life! My nephew is at an HBCU and he can't stop talking about the incredible energy and community feel of the band. It's more than just playing music; it's a cultural celebration and a vibrant expression of school spirit. He's made lifelong friends and developed a strong sense of discipline and teamwork. Plus, the performances can be a major highlight at games and events, attracting large crowds and creating an electrifying atmosphere. If you love music and performance, it could definitely enhance your college experience. When considering colleges, think about how much you want to immerse yourself in that aspect of student life and whether it aligns with your academic and social goals.

a year ago

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