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Is Clark Atlanta University recognized as an HBCU?

I'm in the middle of my college search and I'm specifically looking into HBCUs. I've come across Clark Atlanta University and I'm a bit confused – is it considered an HBCU? Any info would be super helpful!

a year ago

Absolutely, Clark Atlanta University (CAU) is indeed recognized as a Historically Black College or University (HBCU). It was formed through the consolidation of two older institutions, Atlanta University (established in 1865) and Clark College (established in 1869), both of which have a rich history and are among the list of colleges identified as HBCUs.

If you're exploring HBCUs, CAU could be a notable option as it offers a variety of programs and is part of the Atlanta University Center Consortium, which enables cross-registration with other HBCUs in the area. This could enhance your academic experience by providing a broader range of classes and resources. Don't hesitate to visit their website or contact the admissions office for more information about their programs and campus life!

a year ago

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