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Are HBCU-themed graduation stoles worth it?

I'm getting ahead of myself, but I'm super into representing my cultural heritage when I graduate. Do you guys think investing in a stole from an HBCU for my high school graduation is meaningful for college apps, or is it more of a personal keepsake?

a year ago

Hello! It's wonderful to see you're proud of your cultural heritage and considering ways to celebrate it. In terms of college applications, the elements that tend to have the most weight are your academic record, extracurricular achievements, and personal essays.

A stole, while a beautiful symbol of your identity, doesn't fall into these categories and is unlikely to sway admission decisions. However, on a personal note, students who purchase a cultural stole for their high school graduation often cherish it as a keepsake. It's a reminder of their personal journey and community.

If the stole represents an important part of who you are, it could be a detail you mention in your application essays, where you have the opportunity to discuss your cultural heritage more expansively. Ultimately, the choice to purchase a stole should come from its significance to you personally, rather than its potential impact on college admissions. Embrace your graduation as a celebration of your accomplishments and your identity!

a year ago

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