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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What can I expect from life at a smaller HBCU?

Hey, I’ve been thinking about applying to smaller HBCUs because I love the idea of a tight-knit community and strong cultural ties. Can anyone share their experiences on the social scene, class sizes, opportunities, and overall vibe at smaller HBCUs?

a year ago

At a smaller HBCUs, the social scene is generally community-oriented. Most students know each other, and there's a strong sense of camaraderie and shared heritage, which is wonderful. The small class sizes mean students often get personalized attention from professors, which has been great for his academic growth.

Opportunities for leadership and involvement are plentiful because there aren't as many students vying for positions, so it's easier to stand out and make a mark. Regarding the overall vibe, expect lots of tradition, cultural events, and a prideful spirit that permeates campus life.

It's truly a close-knit environment where you can make lasting friendships and connections. If you thrive in an intimate setting and are looking to be deeply immersed in the HBCU culture, a smaller institution might be the ideal fit!

a year ago

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