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Are there Division 1 sports opportunities at HBCUs?

Hey everyone, just curious—how prevalent are Division 1 sports programs at HBCUs? I’m an athlete and seriously considering applying to a historically black college or university. I’d love to continue competing at a high level. Are there enough options?

9 months ago

Yes, there are numerous Division 1 sports programs at HBCUs. Many historically black colleges and universities are part of the NCAA Division 1 and offer a variety of sports for student-athletes to compete in at a high level. Each HBCU will have its own set of sports offerings, and their competitiveness can vary widely, just like at any other institutions.

It would be beneficial for you to look at specific HBCU athletic departments to get a sense of which schools align with your interests and abilities. For example, the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) and the Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC) are comprised entirely of HBCUs, and they feature Division 1 sports, including football, basketball, track and field, and more.

When choosing an HBCU, make sure to consider both the athletic and academic opportunities, as you’ll want to have an enriching experience all around. It's also wise to get in touch with coaches of the sports you're interested in at those schools to express your interest and find out about any recruitment opportunities or scholarships that might be available to you.

9 months ago

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