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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which colleges superscore the SAT, and how does that impact my application?

Hey all, I’m planning on retaking the SAT to bump up my scores a bit. I've heard some colleges superscore and some don't. Can anyone tell me which colleges do superscore and also, how exactly does that affect my overall application?

a year ago

Hello there! Many colleges do indeed superscore the SAT, which means they consider the highest section scores across multiple test dates to create a new, higher composite score. Notable institutions that superscore include Stanford, MIT, the Ivy League institutions, and most of the top liberal arts colleges.

That said, policies can vary and are subject to change, so I recommend you confirm by checking each college's admissions website directly or through the College Board's searchable database of SAT policies.

Superscoring can be very beneficial to your overall application because it can present you in the best possible light academically, often giving colleges the highest possible combined score to evaluate. This can impact your Academic Index positively, which as you may know, is a metric used by selective schools in their evaluation process.

If you have the time and resources to retake the SAT and feel you can improve on your previous scores, it might be a worthwhile effort. Focus on the sections where you have the most room for improvement, and remember practice and preparation are key. Best of luck on your retaking efforts and your college applications!

a year ago

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