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How do HBCU lacrosse programs compare to others?

Hey guys, I'm really into lacrosse and considering applying to an HBCU. Does anyone know how competitive their lacrosse programs are, compared with non-HBCU schools? Are there any notable differences in coaching or opportunities?

a year ago

Hey there! From what I've gathered, HBCU lacrosse programs are indeed competitive, but they may not have the same level of recognition or funding as some of the top Division I programs at non-HBCU schools. This doesn't mean they lack quality coaching or opportunities, though; it's just that they might not get as much spotlight.

For some students, what matters most is the sense of community and the supportive environment of the particular HBCU they're interested in, which can be a significant factor in their decision. As for notable differences, some HBCU lacrosse programs might prioritize team cohesion and educational opportunities linked to the university's broader mission.

It's also worth looking at each program's track record in terms of how many players go on to play professionally if that's a goal for you. Lastly, remember to consider how well the school's academic programs align with your career goals. No matter where you end up, the dedication you bring to the sport and your academics is what will make the biggest difference.

a year ago

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