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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How crucial is swag at HBCU events?

Hey fellow juniors, I've been thinking about the college culture a lot and I'm really interested in HBCUs. I heard that events like the swag surf are a big deal. Can anyone share how important is it to participate in things like the swag surf to fully experience HBCU culture? Is it more of a fun sideshow or is it a central part of the student experience?

a year ago

Hey there! I totally get your curiosity about HBCU culture—it's rich and vibrant, and events like the swag surf certainly add to the unique experience. Participating in cultural events like the swag surf is definitely more than just a fun sideshow. It's part of the fabric that makes up the student experience there. It's not just about knowing the moves; it's about the sense of community and shared traditions that these events foster.

But remember, even if you're not into the dance scene, HBCUs offer a wide variety of ways to engage with the community and immerse yourself in campus life. From Greek life to academic clubs and social activism, you'll find your place. Swag surf and other cultural expressions happen to be one vivid and fun aspect that brings students together.

So, if it feels right for you, jump in and enjoy it—it can be a wonderful way to connect with your peers. But don't worry if it's not your thing; there's a place for everyone, and that's the true beauty of HBCU culture.

a year ago

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