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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Are there still any states where the SAT is mandated?

I heard that after the pandemic some states dropped the SAT requirement, but is that still the case, or are there states that have brought it back as a requirement? I'm trying to plan whether I need to take the SAT or not based on where I might apply.

9 months ago

Certainly, it's wise to consider whether the SAT is required by the states where your prospective colleges are located. Some states indeed have SAT requirements embedded in their high school graduation criteria, or use the SAT for state accountability purposes. As of my last look at this, there are states—such as Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island—where public school students are expected to take the SAT. This can sometimes be related to state-funded SAT test days for high school juniors.

However, these requirements have been evolving, especially in light of the pandemic and the shifting emphasis on standardized tests within the college admissions process. Individual states might alter their requirements, so it's important to check with your school and the department of education for the most current information. Also, regardless of state mandates, some colleges and universities in non-mandate states still recommend or require the SAT for admission—it tends to be institution-specific.

If you're applying to colleges in multiple states, or if you're applying to a mix of public and private institutions, my suggestion would be to prioritize understanding the admission requirements of each college on your list. That will give you the clearest picture of whether taking the SAT will be beneficial or necessary for your particular college admissions goals.

Preparing for and taking the SAT would keep your options open, especially if you're considering competitive schools or scholarships that might take SAT scores into account.

9 months ago

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