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How does HBCU tuition compare for OOS students?

Currently trying to figure out my college budget. Does anyone know if the tuition for HBCUs is typically more affordable compared to other colleges, especially for out-of-state students?

9 months ago

Understanding the cost of college is a crucial step in your planning process, and looking at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) is a wise decision given their rich history and the supportive environments they often provide.

When it comes to tuition, many HBCUs are known to be more affordable compared to other institutions, even for out-of-state (OOS) students. For example, Alcorn State University in Mississippi offers a lower tuition rate for OOS students compared to the national average for OOS tuition. However, the cost can vary widely between HBCUs, and some do charge a premium for OOS students, similar to other public institutions.

I recommend making a list of the HBCUs you're interested in and checking their tuition rates for OOS students on their respective websites. Sometimes there are also regional exchanges or agreements that can reduce tuition for OOS students at public colleges, including HBCUs. Additionally, don't forget to explore scholarships and financial aid options that HBCUs might offer specifically to OOS or diverse applicants. Researching these opportunities now can really help you maximize your budget for college.

9 months ago

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