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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What's considered a competitive GPA for top colleges?

Hi friends, I've been working really hard throughout high school and I currently have a GPA of about 3.3 out of 4.0. I can't help feeling a little stressed about it. Do you think this is competitive for top colleges, or should I focus on improving it further during my junior year?

a year ago

Hello there! It's wonderful to hear about your dedication to your studies. The GPA landscape for top colleges can be quite competitive. Typically, these institutions tend to see applicants with GPAs closer to 4.0, especially when weighted. However, it's not all about the numbers. Your junior year presents a great opportunity to strengthen your academic profile. You can show an upward trend by challenging yourself with rigorous courses and achieving high grades in them.

Colleges also look at the context of your GPA. They consider the difficulty of your courses, so if you're taking AP or IB classes and doing well in them, that can reflect positively on your application. It's also important to remember that colleges evaluate applications holistically; your essays, recommendations, and extracurricular involvement are crucial components too.

Keep striving, continue showing your unique strengths, and maintain that steady determination, as these qualities are highly valued. Additionally, consider reaching out to your school counselor or teachers for personalized advice on course selection and strategies to maximize your academic potential. Best of luck with your junior year!

a year ago

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