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When and how do IB results and scores get released?

For anyone who's gone through the IB program, when do scores usually get sent out? And what's the process—is it all digital, or do you get something in the mail? I want to make sure I'm ready to send them off to colleges on time.

a year ago

IB results are typically released in early July if your exams are in May. For November session exams, the results come out in early January. The results are accessed via the IB’s candidates website, and you will need your personal code and PIN to log in, which is provided by your school’s IB coordinator. Once the results are available, you can download your scores directly from the website.

You don’t receive anything in the mail unless you request a hard copy, which isn’t necessary for college applications since most colleges accept digital copies. Moreover, if you've given your IB coordinator the details of the universities you're applying to, the IB can send your results directly to those institutions. This is a huge relief as it means one less thing for you to worry about! Just make sure the schools you're interested in are aware that they should be expecting your results directly from the IB.

a year ago

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