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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Should I take the November SAT for college admissions?

Hey folks, I'm a junior looking at my calendar and trying to figure out my testing schedule. For those who've been through it, does taking the November SAT give me enough time to get my scores back and consider a retake before college apps are due? Kind of worried about cutting it close. Appreciate the insights!

a year ago

Hello! Taking the SAT in November is indeed a strategic move. It allows you enough time to receive your scores and evaluate the need for a retake. Scores from a November SAT are typically reported within three weeks, ensuring you have them in hand well before regular decision deadlines. Also, if you're aiming for early decision or early action next year, having a November test score can inform your strategy on whether or not you'd need to consider a rushed retake for those earlier deadlines.

The College Board also provides multiple test dates in the spring, should you need an additional opportunity. However, with any standardized testing plan, it's smart to leave some buffer for unforeseen circumstances. Keep up the good work, and best of luck with your preparation!

a year ago

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