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HBCU Documentaries for Research

Does anyone know if the 'PBS hbcu documentary' is a good resource for understanding the HBCU experience? I'm writing my essay on the value of HBCUs and looking for some solid reference material.

a year ago

Absolutely, the PBS documentary 'Tell Them We Are Rising: The Story of Black Colleges and Universities' is an excellent resource that provides a historical and contemporary view of the HBCU experience. The documentary delves into the establishment of HBCUs post-Civil War and their impact on African-American heritage, culture, and higher education. It includes interviews with current students and alumni, giving you a personal look into the life and culture at these institutions.

Additionally, it addresses the challenges HBCUs face and their resilience. Watching this can undoubtedly enrich your essay by providing authentic insights. Don't forget to also look at academic journals and books dedicated to HBCU history and contributions for a well-rounded perspective. For instance, 'The History of HBCUs: What's Missing from Our Story' by Crystal A. deGregory or 'Engines of Inequality: Diminishing Equity in the Nation’s Premier Public Universities' by Robert M. O'Neil could provide deeper analysis that can strengthen your research further. Good luck with your essay!

a year ago

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