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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's a solid SAT score for college admissions these days?

Hi y'all, junior here starting to prep for the SAT. What are colleges looking for in terms of SAT scores for admissions? I know it varies by school, but is there a general score range that's considered competitive?

Does your choice of major influence what's a 'good' SAT score?

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you’ve started to think about the SAT. You're correct that score expectations can vary based on the college. Generally speaking, you'll want to aim for a score that places you within or above the middle 50% range of admitted students for the colleges you're interested in. This information is often available on the college's admissions website or on CollegeVine's chancing engine.

For most competitive colleges, a score of 1200 or above is a good baseline, with scores of 1400 or higher being very competitive. If you're shooting for top-tier schools, you may want scores closer to 1500 or above.

And yes, your choice of major can sometimes influence what's considered a 'good' score. For example, applicants to engineering programs might be expected to have higher math scores. My advice? Start with a practice test to see where you currently stand, then work on improving from there, especially in sections that are most relevant to your intended major. Wishing you the best of luck on your SAT prep journey!

a year ago

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