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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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When's the ideal time to submit an application for colleges with rolling admissions?

Hey everyone, I'm starting to look at colleges with rolling admissions and I'm a bit confused about timing. When is generally the best time to apply to these types of schools? I want to make sure I get my application in early enough to have a good shot, but also don't want to rush and make mistakes. Any advice from those who’ve been through it?

9 months ago

Hello there! Navigating the timing for rolling admissions can indeed be a bit tricky, but I'm here to help. Generally speaking, the earlier you can submit your application, the better your chances will be. Since schools with rolling admissions evaluate applications as they come in, applying early means less competition and more available spots.

However, you're right to be cautious about rushing your application. It's crucial to take the time you need to present your best self. A good rule of thumb is to aim to submit your application in the early fall of your senior year. This gives you the advantage of being one of the first applicants, while still having had ample time to polish your essays, complete your standardized testing, and gather any letters of recommendation.

It's a balance between being prompt and ensuring a comprehensive, error-free application. Remember, you want to show colleges the highest level of your high school achievement, so if waiting a bit longer means you can include new accomplishments or better test scores, it could be worth it. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance or have other questions!

9 months ago

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