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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Rankings for HBCUs in the field of Communications?

Hey guys, I'm trying to shortlist HBCUs with strong Communications programs but it feels like navigating a maze. Does anyone have insights or know of a place where I can find a ranked list specifically for Communications?

9 months ago

It can indeed be a challenge to find rankings that are tailored for specific programs at HBCUs, as most broad-ranging college rankings may not delve into that level of detail. For Communications programs at HBCUs, I recommend looking at the following factors instead of searching for a ranked list: accreditation, curriculum quality, faculty experience, internship opportunities, and alumni outcomes.

Reach out directly to the schools' admissions offices to ask for data on graduate employment rates and see if they have any notable alumni in the field of Communications. Additionally, resources like the College Board and Rugg's Recommendations on the Colleges can offer guidance on program strengths.

Remember, rankings can be a helpful starting point, but they don't always reflect individual fit or the quality of specific programs. Evaluating each program based on these criteria will give you a clearer picture of what each HBCU can offer for your Communications studies.

9 months ago

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