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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How Do I Identify Which Colleges Are My Safety Schools?

When you guys are making your college lists, how do you decide which ones are your safety schools? Any tips or criteria you use would be super helpful right now.

a year ago

Deciding on safety schools is an important part of your college application process. Generally, a safety school is one where your academic credentials (GPA, SAT/ACT scores, etc.) exceed the school's average for admitted students. This doesn't just mean you're guaranteed admission, but your chances are quite good. Look at the average GPA and test scores for incoming freshmen, often available on the school’s admissions page, and compare them to yours.

You should also consider acceptance rates; typically, a school with a higher acceptance rate (think 40-50% or above) might be a safer bet. But don't just look at numbers. Make sure these schools offer programs you're interested in and that they align with what you want from a college experience. It's not just about getting in, but being happy and successful once you're there. A good rule to follow is to have at least two safety schools on your list. Remember, a safety should be a college you’d be happy to attend if it ends up being your best option.

Lastly, affordability can be a factor in choosing a safety school. You're more likely to receive generous financial aid if your academic profile is above their average. That'll take the pressure off if cost is a concern for your family. Hope this helps guide you in the right direction as you build your list!

a year ago

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