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Tips for acing the ACT English section?

The ACT English section has me a bit worried. Does anyone have strategies or tips on how to excel in this section? What kind of prep did you find most effective?

a year ago

It's understandable that the ACT English section may be causing you some stress, but with some strategic preparation, you can improve your performance. My suggestion would be to focus on grammar and usage, sentence structure, and rhetorical skills.

One effective preparation method is to take lots of practice tests, specifically from official ACT materials, as they give you insight into the format and types of questions asked. Additionally, I've seen students benefit greatly from learning the rules of English grammar, so consider resources like grammar handbooks or online grammar exercises. A resource many writers and students use is 'The Elements of Style' by Strunk and White.

And when you're taking practice tests, make sure to review every single question you get wrong to understand what tripped you up. Time management is crucial in the ACT English section, so refine your ability to quickly read and analyze the passages, ensuring you have enough time to address all questions. Remember, consistent practice over time generally leads to better results than cramming at the last moment. Stay focused and you'll likely see your scores improve. Good luck!

a year ago

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