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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do colleges view a 100 hours of community service?

Hello everyone! I've racked up about 100 hours of community service over my high school years—do you think this is impressive for college apps, or should I aim higher?

9 months ago

Hello there! It's wonderful that you've dedicated a significant amount of time to community service, as colleges always appreciate students who engage with their communities. While 100 hours is a commendable amount, the impact and depth of your service can be just as important as the number of hours. Admissions committees look for students who have made meaningful contributions, so if your service hours show a deep commitment to a cause or display leadership skills, that will be impressive.

If you have the opportunity to increase your hours without sacrificing the quality of your engagement or your academic responsibilities, it might strengthen your application. However, don't just aim for a higher number—focus on what you've learned from the experience and how it has shaped you. Reflecting that in your application, perhaps in an essay or through a recommendation, can truly showcase the value of your community service to colleges.

9 months ago

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